Moon Phase

Sunrise: 06:28
Sunset: 18:17
Sunrise: 06:28
Sunset: 18:17

26th March 2025
Unless otherwise noted, all services are held in Whitianga.
Anglican Church St Peter the Fisherman |
Dundas St | 869-5577 |
Sunday 9:30 AM Holy Communion |
Assembly of God | |
Mercury Bay Hall (winter)
School Gym (summer) |
866-5348 |
Sunday 10:30 AM & 7:30 PM |
Baptist Church | |
112 Cook Drive | 866 4027 |
Sundays 10:00 AM |
Jehovah Witness | |
Kingdom Hall
South Highway |
866-4728 |
Sunday 10:00 AM |
Roman Catholic Church | |
Campbell Street
(behind Shell) |
866-2189 |
Sunday 9:00 AM Mass or Liturgy | Weekday 9:30 AM,
Saturday 9:00 AM Liturgy |
St Andrews by the Sea
Mercury Bay Cooperating Parish |
Albert Street | 867-1102 |
Sunday 9:30 AM Family Worship | 1st & 3rd Sunday at 11:30 AM
— Whenuakite Hall |
This information was obtained from the Information Centre.
As service times may change by season, please phone your church to confirm times.